Navigate to screen block, displays the screen as a different name on the Live App?

Hi! I would like to report a not important issue, but just one to keep in mind. I have the latest Thunkable live app v436-3, and when I show the blocks on the live app, I noticed the “Navigate to Screen” block was, bugged? On my computer editor, the block shows up fine, but on the Live App, it shows up with its coded name or something. Its hard to see on the phone, but I think you will understand what you mean when you look at the pictures below :arrow_down:

Blocks on Computer :arrow_down:

Blocks on live app :arrow_down:

About my software:
Live App: v436-3
Phone model: Samsung Galaxy A13
Thunkable app building software: Up to date

Any explanation on this?

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That is the underlying Screen ID. When the app is previewed in the Thunkable Live app, that ID will show instead of the alias/name of the screen that you gave it in the editor itself. They’re one and the same, however.

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