My projects and backups disappeared!

I have been working for the past two weeks on a recently created account. I logged in today and everything disappeard!!! please help! I have to submit the project tomorrow!!

Of course I searched the forum and tried to log in with the first capital letter as some post suggested and it didn’t work.
I also saw that it can be solved logging in with a parents account but I don’t have one.

Please help!!!

Hello @thelittlethree0n
I am sorry to hear about your issue
We received a request from you on 18 January and we were obligated to delete the account. The email is automatically sent to you too when you click the button “delete account” in the settings area of the Thunkable Live app.

Hi ioannis. Thanks for the reply

How did this happen! I never requested to delete the account!
Is there any way to revert that?
It’s a mistake and it shouldn’t be that easy to erase everything…

Please help!

Sorry, but none of our members have asked for that request, even that mail to delete the account was not made by us, it was thunkable management who asked to delete our account, we have done for weeks a project only to have it deleted out of the blue.

Here is proof that the email was not even sent by us.