Lost Project suddenly

A student had spent several days working on an app, then suddenly this morning, the entire project was empty. No blocks, no UI components. He did not delete anything. How can we recover this?

Hi @Doug_Bergman,

Just followed up with a PM containing further instructions.

any thoughts on this?

This student had a project and suddenly the screen has disappeared in this project? Could someone log into the student’s account and delete the screen on purpose? Have other student projects been preserved?

So, the project was there, but all screens are empty of UI items and code blocks. We use our school accounts to login, so other students would not be able to access. No other issues. But, it did happen last year in almost the exact same way and we never found out why or how. FYI: This student is pretty tech savvy and very excited about thunkable, so I carelessness is not the issue. Is there any type of backup system?

There is only the possibility of copying the entire project - the Make Copy button in the IDE control panel or using the copy icon on the projects window. I don’t know if developers can help with something else.

you are thinking maybe the new copy will not be corrupted?

No, I’m saying that if earlier several copies of the project were made, then it would be possible to use them. If I make a useful project, I always create 5-7 copies of it just in case.

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any thoughts?