Live Test BLE support on Android 8.0.0 broken

It seems to me that Live Test on Android doesn’t work as expected.
I used that simple program:

whilst I can feel the vibration, the label text remains forever with value “waiting…”, so it seems the block inside BLE Scan is never executed.

Another BIG defect (when compared with App Inventor BLE support), is that the Thunkable app is unable to warn automatically the user about activating Bluetooth in case it has been turned off.

I’m using Android 8.0.0 on Samsung Galaxy A5 2017.

Replying to myself: it is not broken, just very slow and unreliable.
In the end, unusable.

BTW, did you notice that a Disconnect method is missing in the class?
The event management is also missing.


Sorry about your BLE issues. Please do create bug reports and/or feature requests here for any problems you are encountering or enhancements that you would like to see.
