The problem: I have a screen where 8 different lists can be shown, with a visible/invisible switch (app variables true/false) when navigating from another screen. It worked perfectly up until a few days ago.
I did not change anything to the lists or the variables and checked them - they function normally and in web preview everything still works fine. However, when I uploaded the app to the AppStore to try it out in TestFlight (as I had done successfully 9 times before), all of a sudden the lists did not appear anymore. Same when I published in Web Preview and Live Test.
The app itself is a bit bloated now, 56MB and 12 screens - can that be the reason for the lists not appearing anymore?
Hello @peterroxv6
Could you please share more information about the list?
For example, could you please share a screenshot of the blocks you set these variables?
Do you use the list viewer component?
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Hello Ioannis,
Yes, of course! here are three screen shots: one of the Opening of the scree, which decides which list is to be visible; another (“Age Groups”) that gets its list items from a Local Table and the last one (“Locations”) that has items from Airtable.
As I said, it all works perfectly and used to do so until a few days ago - the eery thing is, I haven’t changed anything on that screen, but made the app multilingual i.e. added a local table with 8 different languages for buttons and labels - and then it started to act up but only when published; in Thunkable’s Web Preview everything is normal.

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Hello Ioannis,
The function “SetScreenLanguage” seems to be the culprit. I had removed it before but that did not change anything - today however, it made all the difference. Still strange since the same routine works fine it the other screens. I put the routine in a separate “When Screen Opens” and everything works. This is the routine, where based on a stored variable the corresponding text is retrieved from the row corresponding to the chosen language.
Sorry to have bothered you and thank you for your time,

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Hello @peterroxv6
Thank you for providing all the necessary information. I am happy to support you.
Could you please try the solution suggested in this post using the Get Row Object block? [Solved] Airtable “get value from cell” block returns cached data [June 2022] - #2 by jared
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Thanks a lot Ioannis.
For now, all works fine again with the language setting in a separate “When Screen Opens” Block, but I am going to try this out.
Have a great weekend!
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