Link button on screen to specific blcks in another screen

I am trying to get buttons for a quiz on a splash screen / welcome screen to link to specific blocks in another screen depending which is clicked. So easy links to questions with no timer, medium to questions with a 20 second timer and difficult to ones with a 10 second timer. I have searched the resources here and onl;ine but can’t find anything. Can anyone please help?

You can change the value of a variable depending on which buttons on the welcome screen are clicked. So when you click the easy button, set the variable app mode to “easy”. When you click the medium button, set app mode to “medium”. And when you click the difficult button, set app mode to “difficult”.

Then, in your gameplay screen, use an If block to check the value of app mode and start a timer if needed based on the value of that variable.

Sorry but I don’t understand where this ‘app mode’ is. I have 2 variables, one for score and one for question number. Do I need to set up a variable on my welcome screen for each of the modes I want? Do I then use a text block to set each one to the various modes I want to call as in the screen print below?
variable screen print

Hi, @amichalski_uk6! :wave:
Welcome to our Community! :tada:

It’s awesome that you have decided to build an App :+1:

These blocks might help you -

Splash Screen -

Menu Screen -


The following steps describe the structure of blocks -

  • On the Splash screen, when the easy button is clicked, we go to menu screen with a value, “Easy”. Same for “Medium” & “Difficult”, when they are clicked, we go to menu screen with “Medium” / “Difficult”.

  • On the Menu screen, when the screen opens, we check the received value, and start functions accordingly.

Hope I helped you! :smiley_cat:
Good Luck! :+1: :tada:

Thanks! :blush:

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Thanks for the response. I’ll see what I can do!

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I don’t know how to create the Local Storage for the 3 options unfoirtunately. I have a Local DB with quiz questions. All I actually want to do is use these sam equestions for the easy, medium or difficult and add no timer for easy, 20 secondfs per question for medium and 10 seconds per question for difficult. The I assume I can create one quiz then duplicate and just add a different timer can I?

But once you set a „game mode“ variable to something like „Easy“, „Medium“ or „Hard“ and move to another screen like the examples above explained you can always use the if blocks to get what mode was selected and then adapt your timer and so on in their do section.

I think the might help you.

Specially and

Best, Chris


How to code to go to other screen after signup on Thunkable…share example codes too. Thanks in advance

How to code to go to other screen after signup on Thunkable…share example codes too. Thanks in advance

@kartik14 already provided a full blocks sample :man_shrugging:t3: You need to learn a few basics first in order to get going therefor I recommend you to read through the documentation.

Control Blocks | Thunkable Docs

Here’s again described how to move to another screen.

Best, Chris

How to write a code to display a list of items on thunkable using fetch

Thanks Chris. This code I got to know. When submit button entered after signup, how do you direct to next screen



Thanks! :blush:

P.S. Please don’t hi-jack this topic.

Hi, @amichalski_uk6! :wave:

Local Storage is also a component, just drag it from the component tree.

Then you can find the respective blocks, which I have illustrated.

Thanks! :blush:

We are in the basics. And did navigate to screen number too. After signup details entered how to code to take to next screen

I just posted you the link to this blocks.

This is not meant to be offensive but you registered in january and so far only read 7 minutes in this forum. Please check the docs I provided and use the search of the community forum to get basic knowledge. We cannot guide you through every step if you‘re not willing to learn the basics first. Thunkable is really easy to use compared to other solutions building apps but even Thunkable takes some time and effort to understand.

Best, Chris


Hi, @anushreeiyer2137d! :wave:

Please refer to this guide I made a few months ago -

I think this will surely help you :+1:

Thanks! :blush:

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I cannot able to share and copy one of project? Its says some sttp server error. But another project can be copied. Why

“Please read through the forum and most importantly Thunkables documentation, these are basic things you are asking and can be solved by a little bit of reading. These are Thunkable basics if you cannot research this you will forever be asking questions because you have failed to learn anything. This community is helpful but you have to put in the work too.”


Hi…sorry to interrupt you. I am searching and reading docs to understand. I did sharing and copying earlier. But this time its not happening for one specific project. Moreover there was a problem with thunkable server Like things arenot getting updated, not getting saved .etc. if you can help…pls help.