Issue with create row in Local database or google sheet

Hello. I’m trying to start using Thunkable to create a small application to manage hip hop danse students. it seems (I have seen that in a lot of topics) that there is a bug when creating a new row in the local database (still not existing when leaving and going back the application), and also a bug when creating a row using a Google sheet as it will not synchronyze automaticaly the local copy with the source. If we add performance issue using a google sheet with 100 records, it seems for me that Thunkable is not the right tool to manage very simple data. I’m certainly missing something and I hope some experts will help me to give the right way to do CRUD in a simple database.
Thanks for your help

Hi and welcome to Thunkable!

You’ll need to provide a screenshot or a link to your project. Otherwise, we have no way of knowing why something isn’t working for you.

Can you link to a topic that mentions a bug when creating a row in a Google Sheet? I haven’t had problems with creating rows. Just with retrieving data but that’s a separate issue.


Thanks a lot for your answer. I think the issues are exactly about retrieving data but I’m french and certainly my English is not as good as expected :wink:

Here is the link to access to my project.

I have created 3 screens to access from cours (Screencours) to list of student (Screenstudents) and then to student informations (Screendetstudent). This is working fine, I have found the solution of using list to filter students for a specific cours in a tutorial.

Then from the first screen (Screencours) I have created a button to access to a screen to manage students (ScreenGestudents) and a button to access to a screen to create student (Screencreestudent). In this last screen I’m creating a new record in Ficeleve which is a google sheet and I have tried also to create in a local database.

It’s working however when creating in the local database I’m not able to rerieve data after leaving the app (I have seen some topics about that). When creating in the Google sheet, I have to use “sync with source” if I want to see new record in the application.

I have tried to use only google sheet but response time are very bad for only loading 90 records.

I hope this could help to identify what I’m doing wrong and I apologize for my poor English.

Best Regards,


Any news on this topics please ?

I was suggesting you add more details to your post. I didn’t necessarily have a solution for you. I don’t work for Thunkable but seeing as how no one has responded yet, you might consider contacting them directly if you have a Pro license or higher.

I find it faster to hide rows rather than creating rows in a separate table when filtering a google sheet. I’ll have an example for you shortly.

In this example I’m only using one local table (table 3), in your case make this your google sheet. You won’t need to sync the google sheet to your local sheet with this method. Just keep everything on google.

1: Set the listOfRow_IDS variable to the ID column of your google sheet.

This block of code iterates through the rows, hides the ones that don’t match your criteria, and counts the matches. Since we are just hiding rows, when you click on the data viewer you get the actual row id of your google sheet.

Test Project Link:

Edit: Also this table is set to App Data Source. If you do decide to store it locally, switch it to stored data source. Keep in my mind that you will not see the stored data while viewing it from the data sources tab. The stored data can only be viewed from live test or web preview.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 133922

Thanks a lot Timothy. I will implement this solution in m’y application.
Do you have an idea about why the create or update row is not working (second part of the application) ?
Best regards

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I cannot test out your Google sheets, but it was not updating locally because your table was set to app data and not stored data table.

Also include a refresh data block in screen 2: