How to add a table to a local DB?

I’ve seen projects where the local DB has multiple tables. But I can’t figure out how to add another table besides the default one. Below is a screenshot of a project someone else made followed by one of my projects. You can see there is only one tab in the second screenshot and no visible way to add another tab/table. Any tips?




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I know. I used a trick but quite cumbersome.

I attach a Google sheet with all required tables then I remove the Google sheet connection. Once the connection is deleted, Thunkable will convert it to local dB with all the tables and column names in your original Google sheet.

The drawback is that you lose the content and you get the standard text injected by Thunkable.


Thanks, @muneer. Good to know.

There hasn’t been any movement on this feature request in the past 6+ months:


i found out about that “trick” inadvertenly. I was working on an app that was based on google sheet and i made a copy of it for backup. when i opened the backup, the sheet was gone but the tables were still there although the data source had changed to local data.
i was a little disappointed because the live spreadsheet formulas i had depended on were not there anymore!

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I know the feeling. I got disappointed too at first but then I decided to turn the disappointment to an opportunity. It’s a good tool to recreate the tables all at once, if you think about it.

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