Is Translation API going to be updated/changed?

I’ve just found out that there is no more free API keys on Yandex. The first tier plan is 15USD/month.

I imagine that The Thunkable X default key will probable be discontinued. I’ve tested it today and it has already reached maximum uses for the month…

Has anyone got any solutions for that? Is there any other translation API for Thunkable that allows us to do simple, low volume translations at free?



Using google means that we would have to configure the Web API function inside Thunkable, right? This is way more complicated for educational use (that’s my case) than the previous Yandex solution.

The Yandex functionatily is (was) very straightforward, easy to use for begginers. Hope that Thunkable finds a solution/alternative to this!

Any updates on this? My app is not working because Yandex isnt

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well, I believe we will have to wait more till someone with full knowledge arrive and solve our problems. Do you feel the same?

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It’s easy and simple

You need to subscribe to REST API to get any results. If not subscribed you will get


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Thanks, finally someone shared something worth appreciating.