IOS-Thunkable Build Info

Hello Thunkable Family,

I’m not able to get the build for IOS so I can upload it to App Store Connect from Thunkable.
I was wondering if someone could help me. Thanks.

Where are you stuck in the process?

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I just need to find how to get the build to upload to App Store Connect to finish out the app.

Hi @michaelgwatkins7,

I can see you uploaded an app on 18th November (we sent you an email to let you know this was done)

Is your project showing up in App Store Connect?

Hello @domhnallohanlon

I did publish that one but for some slight in-app items Apple Rejected it. I remade the app a bit better to fit their standards and guidelines but i’m having trouble submitting it because I cant seem to get the build from Thunkable to put on App Store Connect. I go to App Settings to see if something might work in Thunkable but i’m kind of stuck tbh.

Are you trying to update that first app or are you publishing a new app?

Are you seeing any errors or warnings in Thunkable?