IOS apps using BLE no longer need to declare permission locations [ In Progress]

Hey Thunkers :wave:

If you have published an app on Thunkable in the past using BLE to the iOS App Store then you may remember you had to include a permission string related to ble.

Now when you publish you can leave the privacy tracking string blank and not require permissions via the ios App Store privacy page.

If you have any related questions feel free to post them here!


It seems like there may be a disconnect between the title and body of this post. I had a build from 2 days ago rejected this morning due to location permissions. I am using BLE but not Location sensor, so I couldn’t even enter the location permission string in Thunkable. I was about to add the location sensor just to be able to add the permission string that Apple is requiring. Am I missing something related to this?

can you share the project with me via testflight so that I can review this on my side.

DO you see a location permission request when you run the app?

I sent you a test flight invite. If you happen to look at my project in thunkable, there is a slight difference. The specific test flight version that I sent you does not have the invisible location sensor added. I added location sensor today just to be able to access the IOS location permission string to satisfy apple’s review requirement…it’s not even used anywhere in the app.

You will see that it prompts for location permissions with what looks like a generic placeholder string from thunkable.

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I see the issue. I followed up with our dev working on this. I will keep you posted.

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Thanks. For now, I added location sensor without even using it anywhere just so I could add a permission string for apple. It’s pending review, so hopefully that’s also a short term solution.