IOS & Android App Creation Procedure

I’m new to Thunkable and it sounds very flexible. I especially like that you can make apps for Android or iPhones. My question is: If you want the app to work on both Android and iPhones, do you have to create 2 separate apps with the same functionality?

Question 2: Is Thunkable connected to MIT APP Inventor? The Android design look and fee and structure is identical to MIT.
Thanks for any input

Thunkable have two platforms to build on. X and Classic.

The X platform allows you to build one set of blocks, to work on both Android and iOS. Create once, and deploy twice. The platform is not as extensive as Classic, because it does not have the extensions, and some of the same device control. However in some cases the block building is easier on X.

Per your second question, Thunkable is a distribution of MIT’s App Inventor. There are a number of distributions, kind of like Linux. Built on the same framework, but taking it to a different level for their own purposes. X as mentioned above is an example of that modification.

Hi @Les_Osborne, welcome to the community!

Just to clarify one point that Cian made. While Thunkable Classic is a fork of AI2, Thunkable X is actually a completely new and novel product, developed by the Thunkable team.

You can read more in this Tech Crunch article.