[Invitation to Submit Your App] Thunkable Best Apps of 2021! ✨

Book Mobile (new version!)

There are some great projects here! I’m putting the finishing touches on an app I’ve been developing. My wife’s father passed away a few years ago and her mom would like to offer his extensive collection of Science Fiction hardcover books to family members. My wife wanted to know if there was an easier way of cataloging everything than just writing down titles and authors.

Well, I knew that Thunkable had a barcode reader component so I went to work on creating an app for this. There are book cataloging apps on the App Store and some are pretty good but the advantage mine has is that it gets info from two different APIs which allows for more accurate reporting of editions (“First edition”, etc.). Because some of his books are first editions or signed copies, we wanted a way to highlight those for family members who look at the list of available books.

I used my own Book Mobile app that I submitted for the Weekend Design Challenge #6 and added a bunch of API parsing and new features.

The data is stored in Airtable and displayed in a Data Viewer List using a dynamic method that @muneer helped me with that allows the user to filter data views in Thunkable.