In App purchase, something changed recently?

Hello everyone,

Just a quick check as i always had RevenueCat’s blocks in my app. I realized that from December 2024 i didnt sell any of my subsrciptions, that could happen of course.

Today though a client sent me a video where she was clicking the button to purchase the subscription but nothing happens.

I’m aware that the best way would be to check the error message, but i won’t be able to do it until Monday.

It happens on both Apple and Android.

Beore going deeper on it on Monday do you know if something changed recently about the in-app purchases blocks?

Thank you for your time

Just tested mine, seams ok and shown up in Revenuecat.

I use consumable product not subscription.

These are the blocks:

The error coming out is not very clear indeed:
“There is an issue in your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details.”

Happened to someone else before or know what it could mean (and how get the “underlying error” shown?)