Image Question Answerer AI ( One possiibility at a time )

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You can click visit up there and use this How do I convert cURL syntax to thunkable? to convert the API Tab syntax in the webpage that you are redirected to use this API in your apps. You can even optimise it more after clicking there :point_up_2:
So… I made a thinkable project for everyone to test it.

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Can you explain what your project does? And why are you advertising that API?

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Sure, The project simply uses that API. I’m Advertising that API because so many people are facing issues with OpenAi’s API.

And, With PaLM 2’s new update, you can even get maths explanations !

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Is your project just a way to use a different AI Chat API? I haven’t had any problems with the OpenAI API. I still don’t understand the purpose of your app. If someone who doesn’t know Thunkable said to you, “What does your app do?”… what would you say?

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Ok. The API is a tuned model that gives one image possibility in simplicity instead of all the possibilities. This would be useful when you have some images and want to create an AI bot ( which gives all the possibilities ) that might confuse the user again so that one can use this.

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Thank you. I see that you’re the developer of the API. What AI engine did you use to build it? ChatGPT? Dall-E? Bard? Something else?

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Bard. This API is not about generating images, it’s about recognizing them. If you would test that app above and give an upvote :arrow_up_small: It would be nice.

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That’s because you have OpenAI plus

Can any developer use Bard’s API right now? How are you accessing it and using it in your app via API?
I tried to add bard API which was in RapidAPI in my AI tools app, few months ago it stopped working, I think Bard is better than ChatGPT in terms of data because Bard is updated with latest data whereas ChatGPT is trained on a limited database.

Yes. go to