I am a New User and i need a little help

Hello, I am a beginner in using a pro-Thunkable
am trying to create a blood pressure calculator just like the one made in PHP in this page

following this chart

so I have created 2 labels and 2 text fields and button to submit and one invisible label to show later the result

Does any help, please?

Hi, @dalank! :wave:
Welcome to our Community! :tada:

According to what I see, the formula for calculating Blood Pressure is like


Thanks! :blush:

I hope u can explain it using blocks so the idea is filing the both sys and dis
so the command should be on clicking on button when text input 1 is < 90 and text input is < 60 then print in label 3 Low blood pressure, I should ad many values

Thanks Kartik


Thanks for your explanation! :smiley_cat:

I am not experienced with calculating Blood Pressure, I would like to ask one thing to you…

When the screen opens, I will enter my sBP & dBP. Then I’ll hit the calculate button.
Then, my calculated blood pressure will print on a label.

For example. I enter by sBP = 85 & dBP = 65, the result should be low. (because the formula for low blood pressure is sBP<90 or dBP<60)

Am I right on this?
Thanks! :blush:


Hello Kartik
yess Correct this is the idea and if you go back to screen shoot it may have 5 values
elevated high

so the idea on how to set the if else in blocks

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Hi, @dalank! :wave:

Finally, I got you :smile:

These blocks might help you -

Thanks! :blush:


Oh, thanks for your fast help bro i will give it a try
if you have time you can take a look at the live app here
Thanks a lotttt

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Hi, @dalank! :wave:

I had a look at your app, the UI (design) is perfect & correct.

You just now need to make your blocks. They seem incomplete -

Make your blocks like this -

Thanks! :blush:

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yes i will complete it and make test and let you know , thank you so much bro :slight_smile:

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Always Welcome!

After you complete everything, notify here.

Thanks! :blush:

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Hello, i its complete , please take a look if it need any better modification :slight_smile:
this project is dedicated to a school kids class , if we need more help in some simple projects you can still help us?
thank you so much


pls send a new link @dalank