Wanting to create an interactive form

Hi everyone,
I apologize if this is an easy task, I am just so new to all of this and have been scratching my head about it for ages. I am trying to create a “health check form” within an app with (at the moment) two inputs “pH” and “temperature.” When the form is submitted I would like it to go to another page with the results and a little blurb about what it means and what to do. So for example, if the pH is too low and temperature is just right it would go to a page that has one block that says “Your pH is too low, try adding ___ and ____” and another that says “Your temperature is just right!” etc. I am just stumped. Any tips?

Thank you!

Hi @avarylanierhhqff9 , welcome to Thunkable! :tada:
You could use a condition block when the submit button is clicked and navigate the user to the correct page.

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