How to stop Cloning blocks

Hi I’m new to cloning blocks and I’m still practicing but there are two issues I can not find solution to 1) I’m using airtable index numbers to recall persons data and etc when screen start index number is set to 1 and then 1’s info is displayed then after recalling I add +1 to previous index number to get new. The cloning works fine the pictures and info is recalled how I want but sometimes there are few index number I do not want their info to be placed so how can I tell my cloned block that if this index number comes up show this picture 2) I have a “like button” and I’m using cloning component how can I tell Thunkable that if this specific button in any cloned column is pressed do this


Click the Clone button on the scrAirTable screen in the ACtech demo project
and see which blocks are used to correctly index the buttons.

Best regards, Alex
ACtech demo project
Thunkable X Basic Programming Course
Block Reference
Component Reference
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I clicked airtable but nothing happens

Click the Clone button on the screen AirTable (do not make remix of app)