How to loop through spreadsheet rows

I can’t find the get all rows block in the DND platform,and that has made it difficult for me to compare in a new object to be created is equal to an existing row in other to avoid duplicate records…

Something like this…

You can get one row of data or one column of data at a time but not all rows.

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So how do I avoid users from having similar usernames on the app?
Remember the check if a new username already existed ,if it’s true,it tells the current or new user to pick another name.
All these records will be saved and retrieved from Airtable spreadsheet.

I would use Firebase for sign in since it manages userIds for you. Although that’s mostly useful if you’re also storing user data in Firebase.

But I’d you prefer to manage it yourself in Airtable, you can use the “find first occurrence” list block to determine if there is a row in the “list of values” (another block) for your userId column.

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