How to get RowID without clicking in Date Viewer List

Say my list is 1000 rows. So it is not practical to scroll and click. So I have to get the RowID in a different way other than manually clicking/swiping. The only way I can see to get the RowID is to click/swipe as of now.
Desired interface is, user will type the plant name and expect to get back an answer. Might be I have to use Simple List but that does not tie up with Google Sheets. Please suggest any idea or a workaround. Thanks

Google filter list Thunkable and you will find examples of this.

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Thanks a lot Tatiang got it. I was hoping Thunkable had given us direct solution. Anyway a quick follow-up simple question is what does component mean in this block? I searched and searched but could not find the meaning for it.

A snippet of my spreadsheet looks like this:

What info I would get out of component?

In the Advanced drawer, there are Any Component blocks. That’s where you found that one. In this case, the green component block refers to a Data Viewer List. You can see an example in the official documentation: "Any Component" Blocks | Thunkable Docs.

It’s not so much that you would get info out of it… it’s that you can set Data Viewer List properties by referring to the component who’s item was clicked.

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