Data_Viewer_List row_id

I want to allow the user to choose an item in a Data_Viewer_List, go to a new screen for more info on that item, then be able to click “Next” to navigate through rows in Google spreadsheet.

It appears the row_id in the Data_Viewere_List.ItemClick is a long text string instead of just the row # in the cell (e.g. 4). Is there no method of getting data from the next row once you are on a particular row. This image shows what I want to do to navigate from one “row” to the next

Maybe Thunkable can covert the row ids so that they are indeed consecutive:

First screen:

Second screen:

Google Sheet data:

Another way to advance through a series of numbers sequentially and reset back to 1 is to use the mod math function (or in Thunkable, the remainder function).

As an example if you are on the 5th row out of 9 total rows and you click the next button, the value of “app current item num” gets set to (the remainder of 5/9)+1 which equals 5+1 which equals 6. If you’re on the 9th (and final) row, the value of “app current item num” gets set to (the remainder of 9/9)+1 which equals 0+1 which equals 1.