How would i get the row ID for this? I set an invisible value in my custom data viewer so I can set a label to one of the values in my data viewer. i am doing this so that I can live update the values from a google sheet (air table is not an option for this one)
how would I get the value of the first row row ID???
anyone anble to help or know?
You can get the first list item from the list of values block. The drop-down menu in that block for column names has a row id value. Use that.
I originally didn’t answer because I didn’t really understand the point of an invisible value and why you would need the row id. You can usually just put an integer value for the first row (1).
If you provide more context, I might have a better answer.
I have previously tried doing somehting like
if row ID =1 then…
But it doesn’t work so what i ended up doing is this
(it is a different case)
What I meant by more context is to explain what you’re doing not in Thunkable terms but just as if you were describing the app to someone else who doesn’t know Thunkable. Why row 1? Why do you need that row id?
Those blocks appear to get the row id of the green row id
block. But the green row id
block already has that value so I’m confused why you would need those blocks at all.