How To Get Firebase Analytics For My Thunkable App?

Hello Friends Google Say Me ‘’ add [Firebase Firebase Analytics Your App) I try Due It too Many Time But I can’t do it. I tried Use Enhance But the app size is going to large File size Apk. like this 12mb.
How To Add google-services.json File to my Thunkable App
if you have some tension for **Firebase Analytics?

or extension java file?
Or Have Any Solutions?

please help me…

Hello Who Can Help Me

What if you had an invisible webviewer loaded with an html page that has the analytics TaG that loads each time the screen opens. .

Google says Me to add [Firebase Analytics Your App)

so I wanna add Firebase Analytics for my app.

how to du it?
how to upload the google firebase.JSON file to my app.?

how to get user metrics for my app?

Have Some Firebase Analytics. AIX ?

You may consider settling for using google website analytics. We dont have the ability to modify the current Thunkable firebase SDK. Instead, make an html page. add the google website analytics code to it. have the website load each time the app is accessed.

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Hello Jared I try To Du It But it’s Not Working For Me. Please Tell Me How To du It.

Tell Me Step By Step Clialy…


Hi, I would like to receive more infos on this. I am trying to configure either the direct access to firebase (but I didn’t get if this is possible with Thunkable apps) or to create a tag to include in a website and open it in a webviewer in my App when it opens (as suggested by @jared) - but I couldn’t find a solution to do that.

To be clear, I would like to know more about this functionality because it seems impossible for me to track app installs through Google ads. And also impossible to create ads for iOS apps.

Please let me know, in details, the procedures - if possible. Thank you so much in advance.

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Tommaso same problem.

but I think Extensions Mekers Can Create Extension For This. But No One Du it
I dont Know Why…


See this site

jaredPower Thunker

This solution Not 100% success.

we wanna get google analytics for our android apk ( LIKE ENHANCE )

That’s not available how you want it. Period. Not yet.

Thanks @jared. This is helpful :+1:

But, is it possible to advertise an iOS app through Google Ads without the SDK installed?


I try to du your steps but no count firebase user metrics in google Admob why?

please help us