Connect Google Analytics to our Firebase SDK

Hi there,

I wanted to raise an issue which I think it’s affecting our capacity of download installations through Google ADS.

In particular, I am trying to figure out a way to create a list of App events in Firebase, which as I understood are directly linked to the Google Analytics account (what I want to track, firstly, are App installations). This will allow me to advertise my iOS App through Google ADS. As I understood, if Google ADS doesn’t get any response regarding the conversions (App installations) it doesn’t allow you to proceed with the ads - which I think it’s fair. I think it’s important to say that we need to create a WebApp in Firebase (see Thunkable DOCS for Firebase settings).

And here the problem:
I tried to follow the path advised from Google Analytics and, under the property tied to my Firebase account, I created a “new stream App per iOS”. I registered my iOS App and then the procedure advices me to include in my App the “GoogleService-Info.plist” file. Then, I need to add the Firebase SDK into my App (which has already been done through the Real-Time Database component).
Then the problem - Google services utilize the CocoaPods to manage the dependencies - we should need to create a Podfile and then it will create a “.xcworkspace” file - which we need to open right after this procedure.
To allow Firebase to connect to my App I need to add an initialization code following the leading “AppDelegate”. Please find the initialization code below:


Then we need to see if the connection works.

Is anyone able to provide a clear explanation on how to integrate this in our Apps?


Hi there,

Is there any update on this?
Is it possible to get Google Analytics work with our Apps?


not at this time. I wish we could get crashlytics or other analytics made available to us. You can create your own activity log using a service like firebase or xano. Have you investigated that route or would it even fit for your neeeds?

Thanks Jared. As I understand things Crashlytics is a reporting tool for fixes. Nope, this is not what I am looking for.

I am looking for a way to allow Google Ads to count App installations for iOS devices. Do you have any suggestions on how I could do it?

Perhaps with the Firebase SDK included in the App? If so, I couldn’t figure out a way to make it work. Any suggestion would be very much appreciated.
