How to do something specific for each word

Hi, I want to make the user write hello, for example, to do a property for each word, for example h or e or l and l or o.
If you entered this instead of h, write b, for example, or write a a instead of e.
Also put these together, for example, enter the greeting and say Bazze
please help me

Sounds cool. Are you building a text encoder?

Hi, I almost want to translate a language like Korean or Hindi into English into Hindi, etc. Anyone who knows, please say hello, for example, b + a + z + z + e. I attribute another word to each word.

Here’s a way to encode each letter as a different letter:

Demo project: Thunkable
(See the screen with your username)

Type “hello” into the text input box and click the encode button to see it change to “bazze”. What language is “bazze”? I couldn’t find it online except as an Italian word. :man_shrugging:


Hello, I hope you have a good day, you can teach me in the main app inventor environment

If you do not understand what I mean, I will give a simpler example so that everyone understands. For example, the hello sentence should have a symbol for each of these letters. Let a symbol pass, for example # @ ^^ * and I want to enter each of these symbols and it should always be constant, and Do not be accidental.

This forum is for Thunkable, not App Inventor. I hope my demo is helpful to you. You should be able to use letters or symbols with it. Just replace the “Target language letters” with symbols, arranged in the same order as the English letters.

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