Text input as letters

I am having trouble making my list output be words. When a word is submitted, the output is letters. How do I fix this?

You’re assigning a word to a block that requires a list.

I can help you fix this but you need to provide either (1) A link to your project and tell me the name of the screen where this happens or (2) a screenshot of the blocks that are causing this.


the screen names are entriesNew and entriesOld

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You need to set the list variable to an empty list if it has no value yet (null) and then when the user submits the text input, you need to add a new item to the list:

when I try this, my new entries don’t show up and the word still shows up like letters

Can you post a new link to your project?


When I preview it and type in a phrase and press return and then repeat that once more, it lists the two entries as separate rows in a simple list, as I would expect from those blocks:


Is it possible your browser tab wasn’t refreshing? Try clearing the cache or previewing it in the Thunkable Live app on a mobile device.

will try, thank you

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