How do I set the width of a label to 100% in the new Drag and Drop interface

I want to create a responsive web app. I currently have a label that I am using as a banner at the top of the screen. I want that label to have a width of 100%. I can see how to do that on the old interface, but the new one doesn’t appear to support % widths. What am I missing? Or, if that isn’t currently possible, how do I convert an app back to the old interface?



You can multiply the ratio by the program (there is one to get the length and width of the screen)

Thanks for the idea. I looked through all the blockers for my ‘header’ label, and although I could see one that would return the computed width, there didn’t seem to be one that allowed me to set the computed width. Could you explain how I could do this in a little more detail?


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In the “device”.

Welcome to Thunkable.
The DnD UI is still in Beta and not all functionalities are available. At the moment you will not be able to achieve what you are trying to do. The required blocks are not yet available.