How about developing extensions for Thunkable X?

As some of you might have discovered during the initial stages of the Thunkable for iOS that Thunkable iOS(now known as Thunkable X) has React Native in its backbone. So the question arrises that is there a possibility if we can use Javascript itself to make extensions for Thunkable X in future? or maybe we can convert already existing React Native libraries or Expo libraries(If maybe you guys are using Expo somewhere) to extensions for Thunkable X? Just think of it how cool will it be and also unlike classic Thunkable or other App Inventor based builders it won’t be a mess for mac users to develop extensions and not only that but windows or linux users will also be able to develop extensions for iOS. Maybe guys at Thunkable have this in mind for future or even if not they can consider experimenting with it. If you search for “Thunkable X extension” in the community search bar you will find some noobs who are trying to look for a button to add extensions in Thunkable X. This can be revolutionary!