I am trying to insert my project in web version, within another website
with this method you can change the domain name, my problem is that it works but it only shows the application frame and not the content
here is a sample
other sites like youtube work fine, but with thunkable not
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March 17, 2021, 6:18am
If you are attempting to start your Thunkable Web App inside an iframe then it will not work. Thunkable does not support iframe at this time
hello muneer ok thank you very much
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March 17, 2021, 6:22am
Sorry to have disappointed you with my answer but as of now, you cannot do that.
Are we far from that implementation? Because it would be a solution for the domain name, which is very important
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March 17, 2021, 6:26am
This is something you need to ask Thunkable directly.
perfect muneer, thanks so much again for the help
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