Does a web app has a made with Thunkable screen?

Hi allđź‘‹
I have created a made with Thunkable screen myself wich fits My project it’s design more.

Now i was wondering if i Publish My web-app once it’s finished does Thunkable adds a made with Thunkable screen?

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Thunkable adds a “Made with Thunkable” at the bottom of the web app screen.

Thanks @muneer
I’ve checked out some web apps made with Thunkable from Darren and i don’t see the made Thunkable thing.
Is there by Any chance you have An example?

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I apologize that I have not clarified the issue.
When you use the Web app inside an iframe to use your own domain, you will see this message.

In short, if you use the web app directly then the user will see that you are using Thunkable domain, if you use the web app from your website using an iframe then the user will see “Made with Thunkable” at the bottom.


That’s okay.

that explains it.
Thanks @muneer

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