Publish as Web App

i just want to know if i can use my domain for Publish as Web App ???

i have create SUBDOMAIN and Forwarding it to my Web App link with masking
but when i use with masking its not work but when i use it just for Forwarding its work

Hey @bader_mouti ,

At the moment masking isn’t supported. You can forward from any domain or subdomain you like, but it will (for now!) always resolve to the domain

Wondering what your use case for this would be and if this is something you’d be willing to pay for? (Hypothetically, of course! :smiley:)

I would… but don’t tell anyone please

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This feature is now available at no extra cost if you are a PRO member.


Really? I’m a PRO member currently. How do I make this a possibilty?

Edit: For context, I did publish a web app but did not attempt to mask it yet as I had thought it was not possible ergo not worth the attempt since it would still show the thunkable link in the url. Does it mask now if I add the thunkable url as a subdomain?


It works as iframe not as a subdomain.

You need to get the link given by Thunkable and use it as src of the iframe in your page.


Many thanks for the info Muneer!


See an example. (the Thunkable web link is not active)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="750" frameborder="0"></iframe>


hi, do you know yet, when i insert the iframe, the thunkable logo still appears?

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Yes, when you insert your web app link into an iframe you will see Thunkable logo at the bottom saying “Made with Thunkable”.

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Is there no way to remove the made with thunkable link?

Also, when I forward with masking it always forces a desktop style view, is there a way to correct this?

Do you have a free account?

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When you publish as web app and decide to use your own domain which means the Thunkable app should be inside an iframe, the bottom of the iframe will say Made with Thunkable

The Publish as Web App requires a PRO account which is assumed that this Made with Thunkable should not show.

I do have a pro account, ya I would assume the made with thunkable wouldn’t be there in that case but it is.

So is there a known way to remove it?

Hello friend, I have been waiting months for the thunkable logo to disappear in my web apps and there is no known solution at the moment. Hopefully I will have a response from the development team to learn about progress on this matter. Greetings.

I notice I only see the logo on mobile though, if I view the masked URL on a desktop it’s all normal and good