Help with matching pairs app

THANK YOU! They are ALL question and answer buttons and all have unique names.

When you share a link to your project, it includes all screens. So there is only a need to share one link.

I’m a little confused about the screen names so I don’t know what “THE 8TH SCREEN TO THE 22ND SCREEN” means. Are you saying that the problem with the scoring happens when you play Screen8L1G6 and then immediately play Screen22L1G20?

I realized that I did not include crucial information when I created the template for you. You should delete ALL variable Initialize blocks on the copied screen before modifying it. I’m sorry I didn’t think to mention that. Because the initial template screen (I assume that’s what you’re calling THE 8TH SCREEN but I could be wrong) has the variables initialized there, it’s important to only initialize variables once and then use those same variables throughout any new screens that you copy and modify.

If you copy the template screen and leave the initialize blocks there, you end up creating multiple duplicates of a variable all with the same name. That’s when things get confusing and broken. Like this:

THX. Yes you are right. Screen8L1G6 is where your variable blocks started. So must I now delete all the rest (up to screen23) variables above the When any button click and just leave the Screen8L1G6 variables? And what about the Screens before Screen8L1G6 (the ones that I created before you helped me).
Or must I put all screen8’s variables + the rest of it’s building blocks on screen3L1G1 where all the questions starts?

I would say this: delete the Initialize blocks on any copied screens. So I assume from what you said, that’s anything after Screen8L1G6. Then go through those screens and re-select each variable. You’ll need to click on a variable and choose it again from the list.

I would make sure to delete all the Initialize blocks first from those screens and then go back and re-select variables after that. If you try to do it one screen at a time without getting rid of all those duplicate blocks, it’s going to be very confusing still.

I don’t know what to recommend for screens that you created before Screen8L1G6. I would make sure Screen8L1G6 still works after deleting all the duplicate Initialize blocks beyond that. If those earlier screens work, I would leave them alone. If they don’t work, then I would recommend making a new copy of the template screen (Screen8L1G6), deleting the Initialize blocks, and then re-creating what was on any earlier screens. I think that would be easier than trying to fix the existing screens.

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Hi Tatiang. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the great advice on deleting ALL the copied & pasted Variables and to only RESELECT it!
I then figured out (after 2 days of sweat) what the 4 important missing “links” were to get ALL the scores right. I just added:
(WHEN app variable Left Side List INITIALIZES OR CHANGES) (SET Left List TO…)
( " " " Right side List " " " " Right " " )
Now I just need to finish off all the Go-To buttons and do some last touches.
What must I do when Im finish with everything to have my app ready for personal use and for other disabled kids to use as well?

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You’re welcome! Congratulations on getting this far. Thunkable is a great tool but people don’t always realize how much work it still takes to create an app from an idea.

You will need to publish your app. While I have published apps made with Thunkable, it’s not a process I am an expert at. I usually have to read through the instructions carefully step-by-step to do it. You also will need a paid Thunkable license that allows publishing and a paid license for the Apple Developer Program and/or the Google Play Store.

The instructions start here and at the bottom of this link are links to each Store’s instructions: Overview | Thunkable Docs.

I will tell you that the publishing process is time-consuming and that at least for me, it was a very frustrating experience. Everything has to be just right and in the right order. The first time I did it, it took a sustained effort of a couple hours a day for about a week! Of course, I didn’t have the thorough instructions that I linked to above so I imagine it might be slightly easier now. But just be prepared for about 20 individual steps.

Thx, but I do not want to sell my little app. I only want my grandson to learn with it and I would like to give it to other parents who cannot afford to buy all the special types of apps they need for their disabled/or other kids to learn a little different things/ways. Do I still have to go through all the red tape, or can I just give a link to parents? .

You have two options:

  1. You can publish it to the App Store(s) and make the price free. This is the same process as publishing a paid app. Anyone can then install it on their phone or tablet.
  2. You can publish it as a Web App in Thunkable. This is waaay easier but you need to have at least a Builder license: Pricing | Thunkable. Anyone with the link can access it from their phone, tablet, or computer.

A web app is just a website. You’d want to make sure to test it on mobile devices and computers to make sure it functions as you expect. The downside of a web app is that it requires Internet access and runs in a browser such as Chrome or Safari. So for families that prefer to install apps on their kids’ phones/tablets and not have them searching the web, it’s better to have a published app.

Thank you. And again thank you for all you’ve learned me + showing me the way forward! I ve learned a lot from you.God bless.

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Hi Tatiang. What and how must I copy my app to share with family members to help me check for mistakes?

If you want to have friends or family test the app for you on their mobile devices then you would need to:

  1. On iPhones, set up TestFlight.
  2. On Android phones, download the .apk file and share it.

Thank you.