I’m a 71 year old grandma and 24/7 caregiver of my 7 year old disabled grandson, which has Propionic Acidemia, Cerebral Palsy and Dystonia. His muscles are VERY weak. he cannot write, sit alone, stand or walk. is on a 24/7 feeding machine but quite clever and eager to learn. So, I’m now trying to educate as much as possible and as he is very good on his Tablet, learned himself English and a little Spanish (our home language is Afrikaans). I’m hoping that, if I can get this Match the Emojis by tapping the answer Buttons only will help to educate him and if possible some other disabled kids as well - if Thunkable can help me/ sponsor me a FREE Thunkable plan so that I can keep on creating some very easy, plain and straightforward quizzes/quests for Apps. I really hope that you can help/sponsor me in a way.and that you will let me know whether I can go forth for FREE or not. Thank you…