Hello, I am new to Thunkeable, and I have a couple of questions, I am doing a personal project and I am using Firebase with Cloud Variables, I have a login for two types of admins and then a login with email and password for students, I am trying to when A student logs in and takes the information to the student screen corresponding to his/her /Residence/Room/ so that he/she can see his/her roommate and their corresponding tasks. (Sorry for my English, I’m Spanish) Greetings and thank you.
Welcome to Thunkable! Your screenshots are not very high resolution so it’s hard to see them.
Troubleshooting Firebase can be time-consuming. One suggestion I have is to use a single text block for your object properties. Again, I can’t read what property values you’re using so let me give you an example:
If you need the property main → userId → name, instead of using three get property of object blocks with “main”, “userId”, and “name” in each one, just use a single `get property of object block with “main.userId.name” instead. It can also be used with arrays/lists. You can see an example here: API JSON Tutorial (Video) - #15 by tatiang.
Also, whenever you post Firebase data, be sure to post it as text and to format it using the </> button in the toolbar. That will remove smart quotes and allow others to copy and paste it into Redirecting to view it more easily.
I’m not clear on what you need help with. Can you give a specific example?
If the subproperties in a specific property are going to be different for each student, you can use the get object properties block to get those property names:
I’ll try to explain better, in my application the student logs in, once inside he can see a screen with the person who shares the room and tasks in the room (cleaning the floor, for example). In the photo I logged in with alexbenitez@gmail.com and enters the screen there is his name “Alex Benitez” and his partner “Ana García” in addition you can see the 3 tasks that they have assigned, so I want that if I log in with james@gmail.com “James Rodrigues” (for example) I can see his corresponding partner for example “Maria Perez” and the tasks that they have in their corresponding room.
Can you post the full JSON response as text and format it with the </> in the forums toolbar right above the post? It’s really hard to work from screenshots.
If you are able to share a link to the project, that would make for the fastest troubleshooting.