If you are not afraid of programming and specific solutions, you can see an example in the project scrFramefork7. With the help of Framework7 you can create great things, but in conjunction with Thunkable X it will specific solutions.
There are almost no properties exposed for Text Input, so until that is corrected, an editable grid of text boxes will be very limited in functionality.
Eventually, the errors went away and everything seemed fine. In fact, that same app is now working on both my iPhone 6s (iOS 13.1.3) and iPad (iPadOS 12.4.3).
I made a copy of your project and it has successfully booted on Android. In your place I would make a copy of your project and continued to work at it.
Question… when I share a project using https://x.thunkable.com/copy/… and I make changes after sharing, will those changes be reflected in the link? In other words, am I sharing a snapshot or the live project?
When you create a copy of the project, it’s a different project and a link to it should be given repeatedly. If changes are made in the same project, it is we can check it out now.
It is interesting. Again, I was not able to run your project on the link to Android, but has made a copy of it, and he started. But I see a problem when edit the cell. When I try to delete the value in the cell, this value is returned, and also changes the value of another cell which can not be edited at this time.
Text Input table the problem is that the Text Input are for a long time and these components does not block for event handling, making it difficult to define the cell that is being edited.
That was my original idea, but I could not find any documentation or discussions on advanced use of the List Viewer component. I was only successful in adding single items, no columns. Do you have any suggestions?
Yes, I think I may have found a bug for cloned Text Input components. I’ll try to isolate an example in another project. If I am successful, I’ll submit it as a bug report.
That’s right. If you make changes to the same project, these updates are available on the old link to the project. If you made a copy of the app, it will be a new link.
Maybe off topic @actech but I’ve noticed anytime you use the web viewer and set url using JavaScript, instead of copying and pasting the entire code into 1 text string you put it into many. Is this required or could it all go into 1 text string?