For each time issue

Hello Thunkers
Edit: I found out that each time I clone a row or a column inside another column, the app crashes.
As long I run these blocks, the app keeps crashing.

I have a text with determine (|) and in each determine I have a text with determine (@).

I make a list from the main text with determine (|) the for each item I get an item from a list with determine (@).

Hello @Hayder!
I tried to replicate the issue but I couldn’t.
Here is the project that I made: Thunkable
Could you please tell me what to add/change to reproduce the error?

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Hi Ioannis
As soon as you clone a row or a column inside a column the app crashes even I build a test app only for this issue. But now it works and I don’t know if someone from you guys fix this issue. Thanks a lot!

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