App crashes alle the time

Hi All thunkers out there.
I have made a almost simpel code. But i started on a screen were I deleted all blocks to start over. Can that be the reasin of the crashing? I really dont understand why it crashes all the time.
Can someone please help me before i throw the computer in the see.
The problem apears when I choose a date in the orange field in the top left corner. Where there is no bookings in air table.
To test you can se on the picture when there is bookings

But nothing gives any meaning. I have tryed EVERYTHING well almost apperantly.
I get, remove and save some data in airtable in the same project.
I really hope a nice sole is out there and can help me out. pleeeaaaase…
And Happy new year by the way…


If the application crashes, then maybe you are trying to work with a non-existent object. Remove all blocks for the orange field. If the error disappears, add blocks until the error appears. Find the problem block and fix it.

hi and thanks for yor reply.
I think I found the reason tanks.
But now I have a row with 12 buttons that I like to clone in 26 new rows.
But I really think it is very slow to make the clones. Can that be right or is there something i can do to speed that up???
You can see the blocks in the picture and the shared link is below.
It is also having a very strange behavour with the colors and line count.
Please test the live update and then I like to hear your reply.

Unfortunately, so far you can only use cloning and it really works very slowly.

There is an example on the scrColorGallery in which the color is distributed correctly. To do this, after creating the clones, synchronize them with the data.

When using any purple blocks (except functions) in a loop, you need to think about data synchronization, because these are asynchronous blocks that are not required to run after each other.

Yep, cloning is slow. I have an app where I clone 5 rows of 5 buttons each, 25 total. I then sync a photo for each button and a label below it (25 labels) from Airtable. It takes about 1-3 seconds to refresh the screen with the updated data.

There are other app development tools that can clone much faster so I’m guessing there just needs to be some optimization in Thunkable to get it to work better.

Thanks for your reply.
But can you help my with what is wrong in these bloks please??
I have one button in top left corner i like to clone in the row(tat works fine)
Ten I like to clone that row down with a time stamp on all the first buttons and clear the other buttons in the row. Later on i have to find a way to put in some specifik text in the specifik fields.

A simple example can be seen here -