Few questions for a school app

Hi everyone, I made an app on Thunkable, and I am soon going to have a discussion with my school principal to explore if the school would like to use my app. To prepare for the discussion, I have a few questions and I’m hoping I can get some guidance from the Thunkable community.

Here are my questions:

  1. Can anyone access my app or can only people with link have access to it? Is it posted on a public site?

  2. Is the information collected by the app stored on Thunkable servers? If yes, how is that information secure and kept private? What security measures does Thunkable take for such information?

  3. If we need to port the app into a private/school server, how do I do it? If I can not, does Thunkable have any special programs for school hosting Thunkable apps on their servers?

  4. In what format does Thunkable provide code access if we need to port?

  5. Is there a way to talk to someone who works at Thunkable?


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Hi @singhruhani11cya Welcome to Thunkable! These questions are probably best answered by a staff member such as @domhnallohanlon.

I can tell you that if you have a Pro subscription, you can publish your project as a web app. The link will be private unless you choose to share it.

Your other options are to download an .apk to install the app to an Android device or to generate a link that installs the app on an iOS device – both of these are only for testing purposes for your account… not for distribution to others; or to publish to the App Store or Google Play Store, provided you have a developer account with each store.

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@tatiang thanks a lot for your comments and explanation. This is very helpful.

@domhnallohanlon Looking forward to your response and more details from your side.
