Facebook in webview ios app

Has anyone app been accepted by the APP store with Facebook in webview? i
or HTML offline in webview ?

Hi Mikas,

I’ve had an app accepted into the App Store with my business’ Facebook page - as well as its Instagram, Twitter and website - all in a WebViewer that opens when a button is clicked on the ‘About’ page.

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ok i have it in the main tab bar , maybe i should move it

I’m assuming this was something which Apple gave as a reason for rejection? If so, what did they say?

i got Guideline 4.2.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality nothing specifically about fb
i am trying to remove most of the webview stuff i have in the app

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Hi Mikas,

I don’t think the content of the WebViewer is what caused your app to be rejected. I’ve been rejected in the past for Minimum Functionality - you can check out this post for advice on how to overcome it.

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