Error 1101 - on QR Download apk - Inconsistent

The error 1101 on downloading the apk via QR

One phone it works but if I start a second screen (function of android) then on that screen I have error 1101
Same phone but in on account no problem the other problems.

Hi @awuser,

the code 1101 is associated with the Web component. Are you trying to make an API call on your second screen?

I was literally just watching one of your videos before you replied. Thanks they are very helpful.
It was using the same app on both screens, same google play account, same phone, one gave me the error consistently the other didn’t.
The only WEB code I have at the moment is this: (part of getting Firebase Auth)

Thanks, glad you like them! :smiley:

The 1101 Error is ERROR_WEB_UNABLE_TO_GET so perhaps you have an issue with your URL, or maybe your headers?

Just out of curiosity, why not use one of the Firebase components or extensions?

So I’m using the the Firebase 3.0 Extension.
This bit of code is just to allow someone to reset their password and receive an email from firebase through which they can reset it.
It calls headers “Content-Type” and “application/json”