Does Thunkable take 10% Admob Revenue of all apps on Admob?

Got hit off guard when I read that you need to submit your app for review to Thunkable if you want to use Admob.

On the app submit form it says “This acceptance gives us permission to charge a 10% maintenance fee on all revenue earned via AdMob across all apps in your account.”

At the end when it says all apps in your account, which account is it talking about? All apps in my Thunkable account or all apps in my Admob account?

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Just apps across your Thunkable account. They can’t touch revenue from apps created by other builders, Android Studio etc.


I dont believe this is correct. Just got my Admob invitation and they do take 10% of all Admob revenue for all apps connected to your Admob account.

“This acceptance gives Thunkable the permission to charge a 10% maintenance fee for all revenue earned via AdMob across all apps in your account that are associated with your publisher ID.”

What they really mean is for all apps created using Thunkable.

However, the best way to confirm this is for a member of staff to tell us.

It would be a scandal if Thunkable can take revenue from apps not created using Thunkable.

@domhnallohanlon Can you please confirm if Thunkable can take revenue from every app connected to a developer’s Admob account (including those not created using Thunkable), or just apps connected to a developers’s Admob account that were created using Thunkable?


A little difficult to believe, but I am afraid its true. Since the email also said this.

“If you have other apps in your account, we recommend that you do NOT accept this invitation and instead create a new account for just your Thunkable app.”

I think that says it all actually.

Still not that big of a deal for us, we will continue using Thunkable since it is a great platform that deserves a lot of credit. Looks like we will just be using Admob for our Thunkable apps only. Other apps we can monetize with other ad networks. Which is also a solution for anyone reading this.


Then Thunkable is behaving unethically. If this isn’t illegal, it should be.

I think Thunkable knows the position they are in, and I agree they seem to be taking advantage of it. On the other hand as a business, I can see why they did this. Though I believe in the long run this strategy is not the best for them. The reason being this could detour many big mobile companies from considering using Thunkable for future apps. Then again, I don’t believe big mobile companies are Thunkables target audience. I think at the end of the day its a pretty smart move, though of course since I am a developer here, I don’t personally agree with it.

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