Displaying contents of airtable table

Hi there. My apologies if this has already been asked, but I can’t seem to find it on the discussion board after about an hour of reading through.

I am using airtable, and I have 3 linked tables. I am building an app for my teenager to record all her volunteer hours, places she volunteers (and relevant data) and the like. I have added firebase auth for authentification in case her friends also want to use the app when its done.

Now,my problem is that my airtable is setup as 3 tables. In one of my thunkable screens, I display all the ‘places’ and allow users to create new ones. This is my default airtable table. However, I also want them to see all their ‘hours’ and to create new hours to the db (linked to the place that is already created). I cannot seem to do this. I cannot seem to change the tablename (even with (from spreadsheet set tablename to) GetAllRows still returns my default tablename.

Any suggestions for me?

Ideally, I’d like to set the results of the query into a table display. I haven’t figured out that yet either. I seem to be able to return ros or column names. Will I need to loop through the data somehow? If I do that, how do I make sure it all matches up correctly?

Many thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Kindly- Jennifer

Are you trying to set the table name by code/blocks? Unfortunately this is at the moment not possible. The blocks exist but they don’t work properly. If this is the case you could create multiple spreadsheets as a workaround.

hope this helps

Since all my tables are linked, is there a way for me to call the data from the hours spreadsheet when signing in with the places spreadsheet as default? Also - please forgive my ignorance, but how would creating multiple spreadsheets work? Thunkable doesn’t seem to allow me to add multiple spreadsheet components to my design space?

You can add multiple spreadsheet components (there is no limit i guess) and there you can set the different names of your tables. In the code section you can then just refer to the specific spreadsheet component. In your case this would mean you would have to add 3 spreadsheet components.

Thanks. Got it!