Dataviewer List issues in drag and drop

I have recently been having an issue with logic around my Data Viewer List. When I attempt to change an aspect of the viewer, it does not show the name of the dataviewer and then states there is an error. Previously i could hide the row and it would show the dataviewer name. Is this a known issue? see screenshot below:

Hi @daniel.c.rauschk96lu :wave:

Thank you for reporting this. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

I have escalated this issue to our engineering team. Feel free to follow along here and be on the lookout for updates.

Thank you!!

I’m trying to change the text of a label in a custom Data List Viewer layout (synced to a Google Sheet) and it’s not changing at all:

Also curious why an “internal error” appears if I move the in list get # block inside the set Data_Viewer_List1's Title block in order to use it as a row ID.

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Hi all! I should’ve posted sooner. This issue should be fixed now! Please check it out and report back!!

This is great. Now it is missing options such as font, text color, etc. Are these planned to be back in here as they were before? Thanks.

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