D&D Troubles with layouts/displays

Hello everyone, i’m facing this problem that i think it’s a bug.

Those two brand new buttons in the bottom just replaced a couple i used to have. In the Creator they are displayed correctly, while in the mobile live and when the apk is downloaded, they are cut and they disappear.

A solution was to set the manually the height of the buttons to 35px instead of Fill contents, but it used to work on snap to place, not in d&D anymore.

In this case, the screen cuts the bottom part either buttons or another row (admob in the next example)

The screen is NOT set to scrollable and there is plenty of space

in these two the bottom part is cut

in this next one i dont know what is happening, i think it’s a more complex issue that involves the use of the Data List

Similar problems, again the screen is not set to scrollable

Another layout problem happened while trying to recreate the same screen in D&D
This is the brand new one:

The highlighted container is set in fill container on Heights, everything else is in Fill contents, i don’t know why the rest is not going down to fill all the available space.

Screen is not set on scrollable.

I know it might seem confusing, but i think it’s all part of the same issue (?)

Did someone face the same problem?

Sounds like same issue, looks like Android?

yes, i think so

Hello @maurizio.polverini89
Sorry to see you are having issues with The layout.
Did you convert this project from StP?
I will check your issue
A friendly reminder, please place the banner ads at the top of your screen

Hi @ioannis thank you for your time to reply.

I had this problem in snap to place, and it was the same once converted.
The problem of these two buttons not displaying was already in the snap to place interface.
As said i managed to set the height to 35px manually, but once converted, it’s not working anymore

I created a brand new screen in drag&drop and it’s not working either, as apparently this layout is not performing as expected:

The container of the Telegram image is set on Fill container and the screen si set to not scrollable

What could be the issue?

i’m just posting more layout issues, i think they are all similar:

Please watch the second screen (the one in the right), the screen is set to not scrollable. Both admob and the container with the images got cut in the editor.

Playing with cointaners, in here the admob is not shown correctly:
Container admob or admob itself were set to fill contents, container of images are fill contents, the data list is set to fill container.
It also cuts the button underneath. Screen is set to not scrollable.

In this one admob got cut off again, screen is not scrollable, data list container is set to fill contents and data list is set to 200px.

In here the data list container is set to fill container, the data list set on 200px, but i still get both admob and button cut off

All the containers are made 100% from Drag&Drop, they have been replaced after they were converted.
I really hope these problems are solved soon,

Thank you

Hello everybody,

just another quick follow up on this issue,
Is it a fix arriving soon or there are different solution i can perpetrate?

Thank you very much!