Different Layouts in Apple and Android

The Game has a differen appearence in IOS vs Android. (Samsung s23)
In IOS it works perfectly well but in Android it is the design is “cut off”…

I am using scrollable screen

@tatiang Any ideas

Sorry, I don’t do much developing for Android so I wouldn’t know the answer to this.

Might be a silly question @stefansladdeneng1 - but have you tried making the screens non-scrollable?

For your keyboard, is the row/column/container a fixed height or a calculated height?

Did this get flagged as an issue as I am finding simillar results.

Transferred some projects over from Stp to DnD and they all seem to display fine on Ios but not on Android.

It appears on Android the layout is not able to line up with the exact bottom of the screen.

I have setup the simple project shown below to test and show the issue.

Project page:




Have downloaded both versions to rule out any issues with the Live app and same results exist.

I can drag it around to force it to line up to to the bottom of my Android device but then it is either above or below the bottom on a different device.

As stated above works 100% on Ios.



@martint Thanks for flagging. We’ll consolidate these Layout issues here in this topic: