CRUD and Geolocation Example App

Needing a new backend solution for your #madeWithThunkable app? Try @backendless today! Get rid of the limitations imposed by @airtable and move beyond the difficulty of @firebase (though each has their place)! Check out this template CRUD application[Depricated]

This will get you up and running quick! You will only need to change out the @backendless URL’s. The rest is up to you in terms of styling or incorporating it further! I will posts updates to this app to highlight other @backendless and @thunkable features! Stay tuned!

[UPDATE 10/01/20]

You can now:

add a location to the DB either by using your phones GPS or clicking on the map

search in a given radius to see points near you

search filtering coming soon by location tag.

check it out! do a search near the starting point, search away from it, then come back and to it again!


Jared, looking for programming examples of CRUD operations with Firebase and I came upon this feed. Clicking on link indicated link had expired. Any chance you could re-publish a link so I can see code? I’m new to thunkable and would appreciate the help. Thank you,


basically, for firebase you have 2 options.

Use the cloud variables (these rely on your own firebase project to be the cloud)

use the api connector (sucks but works really well). this is a convoluted approach and isn’t friendly BUT overcomes limitations you’ll run into when using cloud variables like the inability to actually query your bucket of data.

Moreover, you’d likely like firestore better which can only be accessed via the api connector BUT it’s immensely better as a DB.

that said, I’d highly recommend you check out Supabase if you are going to use Firebase anyways.