Does anyone know how I can make the user be able to search for things on Google Maps within my application? I added the text input and styled it as a search bar but I don’t know what logic to use to do the searches
You can use the Google Places API to find types of locations and then plot their lat/long coordinates on a Google Map. If you’re new to APIs, consider it a steep learning curve but there are some examples on the forums.
And how could I use it so that a user could see another user’s location? In the mobile application that I am creating, the idea is that there are 2 different types of accounts, the first of which has a map that shows the location of the second type of account that will not have the map, any tips?
I’m sure there are privacy concerns and user agreements related to that sort of app but ignoring that for now, you could store the user’s location in a cloud database such as Firebase and then display it on any other devices by retrieving that location from Firebase.
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