Crossplatform success, textboxes need correction

Feedback, bugs and general questions about the Thunkable ✕ (Beta) platform

Dear @thunkable developers,

I just tried to download my iOS project for android. What can I say… took 5 seconds to download and the apk worked on my S5 mini out of the box!!!
super nice so far.

Something I recognized from the test:

1.) Booting time seems a bit too long with 7 seconds (I have the app with nearly the same functionality programmed in thunkable-android and it takes only 3 seconds to boot)

2.) textboxes cut the upper half of the characters, because they are underlined and this line takes a lot of space at the bottom of the textbox. I hope you will fix this very important issue on the next release. But very cool, that textboxes do the same rounded corners like in iOS!!

3.) last but not least: Please improve listview. I really think this is a very important thing. Start any app on your own smartphone and look if it has a list (email, whatsapp, musicplayer, shopping, …)
at this moment, listview has:

  • single textrow (cutted at the end)
  • optional arrow on the right

I want to make a list of demands, sorted by priority:

  1. customize textsize and textcolor of the first textrow
  2. second textrow under the first
  3. add Image Icon on the left
  4. make image icon clickable
  5. option to show text above or instead the image on the left
  6. make rounded corners or circle crop to the image Icon
  7. set element height
  8. add button on the right (or make the arrow on the right customizable and individually clickable)
  9. option to add third textrow
  10. individual backgroundcolor for each listitem
  11. load images asychonious
  12. cache images in cache
  13. cache images in cache and/or memory
  14. option to wrap text and make multiline (textbreak only ofter words or in words)
  15. consider alternative listviews like cardview or list that scrolls horizonally

thanks in advance, I really appreciate your hard work

cheers, User81


Thanks for the detailed feedback!

Yes - please.