February 3, 2020, 1:23pm
Check out these posts @sysads
Side swipe (I haven’t read into this)
Hi everyone!
I looked around the community to find a way or a solution to create horizontal scroll row with multiple columns inside it.
something like the blue part of this Gif example.
Preview of Example GIF
(I need a solution to solve the problem in thunkable X - cuz I know there is some extentions which is avaliable for the classic version)
Hope someone help me and other who may have same problem.
Fancy list viewer with or without pictures (My one example is included there
We’re working hard to bring you the Extended Listviewer component to make developing your app even faster, but in the meantime here’s a DIY approach.
By using the “Any Component” blocks in Thunkable, you are able to clone entire rows or columns of content. But what if you then want to change some of the components within the row or column?
Usually you can leave the precise details of your design until the end, but in this case you need to know what components will be…
In the properties of the row, where you see the drop down with the word perspective, click that. Then select rotation and is set that to 1.5708
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