I’m making my own Data Viewer Grid without using that particular component because I want to connect it to Firebase data. What I want to create is a list of images+labels that can be scrolled. Something like this:
I want the yellow margins to appear as in the second screenshot above even after the rows are cloned. Is there a way I can limit the cloning area to the height of the column?
So maybe I’m not picturing it right, but if you’re packing a whole bunch of clones of row 11 into column 4, what do you want it to do, if not expand and encroach on the yellow space?
If I add a row manually to column 4, it will just keep squeezing it in. And my assumption is if I set the column to scrollable, those manually dragged rows will be constrained to the size of the column but I will be able to see additional rows by scrolling.
That’s what I want the cloned rows to do.
But I just tried it manually and I was wrong. It does overflow the column. Darn.
If you put a list viewer in a scrollable column, it works, right? But I don’t want to use a list viewer.